


Bundled purchaseThe sale of electricity generated by a California wind project (in this context) including the transfer of renewable energy credits (RECs). Purchases of null power or REC-only purchases from a wind project operator do not result in a requirement to file form CEC-1386.
CECCalifornia Energy Commission
CEC Plant ID The primary wind project identification code used in WGRS. The ID number begins with “W” followed by four digits.
CEC-1384 The Verification form used by Wind Project Operators and Wind Power Purchasers to submit quarterly WGRS reports.
CEC-1385 The Wind Project Performance forms with four schedules (4 tabs in Excel)
CEC-1386 The Wind Project Purchases form with four schedules (1 tab in Excel)
Comments Additional information on the WGRS forms by Wind Project Operators and Wind Power Purchasers considered relevant for clarity, completeness, or context
Cumulative number of turbines installed The total number of turbines of a given model that were installed and available to generate by the end of the reporting period
Due datesThe 15th day of March, June, September, and December for the previous quarter, or the next business day if the 15th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday
EIA Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy
EIA Plant IDA generating resource identification code in four or five digits, also known as EIA Facility Code. Some combined wind projects in WGRS have more than one EIA Plant ID. A few wind projects have no EIA Plant ID
Electric generator (wind) A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
Electricity Produced (kWh)Amount of electricity measured in kilowatt hours, generally at the point of metering; for the wind project total, this amount should be consistent with EIA’s definition of Gross Generation for reporting on form EIA-923.   On form CEC-1385 Schedule 3, electricity produced means the total kilowatt hours (Gross kWh) actually produced by all of the turbines of a particular turbine model during a particular month of the reporting period. For wind projects less than 10 MW reporting on form CEC-1385 Schedule 4, it is the Gross kWh by all the turbines of a particular model during the entire quarterly reporting period.
Gross Generation (kWh)See Electricity Produced (kWh)
Maximum MWs Operator may deliver The greatest amount of power, measured in maximum megawatts, which the Wind Project Operator may deliver to the purchaser as specified in contracts and agreements. The term “may deliver” in this context does not refer to dependable or “deliverable” capacity values for generators as used in system reliability studies or in transmission planning. If a wind project has one and only one wind power purchaser, the maximum MW’s that a wind project may deliver will normally equal or approximate nameplate capacity
Name of Wind Project The formal, complete and current name of the Wind Project as used by the Wind Project Operator in periodic reports to the EIA and CEC. Please be consistent with spelling, spaces, and punctuation
Name of Turbine ManufacturerThe maker of each generating wind turbine or group of turbines
Nameplate capacity 1) The full-load continuous rating of an electric generator (a wind turbine) under specific conditions as designated by the manufacturer; and 2) the sum of such ratings for all electric generators in a wind project
New turbines The number (if any) of wind turbines that were newly installed during the calendar quarter of the report, i.e. during the reporting period
Net kWh Procured As reported by Wind Power Purchasers, this is the total amount of electricity procured in the reporting period from individually named Wind Project Operators though the electricity procured may have come from more than one Wind Project
Net generationGross generation less plant use by an electric generator for auxiliary equipment; Wind Project Net Generation (kWh) equals Total Gross Generation (before Station Use) minus Station Use (if any)
Other Project NamesAlternate names by which the Wind Project is known; this includes prior names by which the Wind Project (or a part it) was known
Power plant (wind) A wind project located in California that contains one or more electric generators, and appropriate supporting equipment, e.g. monitoring equipment, transformers, or switchgear in the plant
Power plant owner Any company that owns a power plant, or, where there is more than one owner, the majority or controlling owner or the managing partner
Purchase contract numbers or Identifiers Individual reference numbers and codes as may be assigned by the Wind Project Operator or Wind Power Purchaser to identify various purchase contracts and power sales agreements
Purchaser’s Firm The name of the electric utility or other entity which purchased electricity from one or more wind power projects during the prior quarter
Reporting Period By calendar quarter: Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4
Resource Scheduling ID The wind project alpha-numeric identification code(s) used for energy scheduling in the California ISO Balancing Area, if assigned. The codes begin with capital letters, have two underscores, and have one numeral placed between the underscores, e.g. AB_8_CD. The codes may have more letters or numbers, but they do not use lower case letters.  Several Wind Projects may have the same Resource Scheduling ID
Rotor (m2) The rotor swept area, stated in square meters, is specific to each turbine model
Size (kW) The turbine manufacturer's published kW rating (often called the nameplate rating) that corresponds to the rated wind speed
Station Use (kWh) The amount of energy (metered or estimated) that is generated on site by the Wind Project and is used to operate the Wind Project; station use includes energy consumed for lighting, auxiliary facilities, and on-site power. Station use does not include energy delivered to the Wind Project site by a load serving entity using transmission or distribution infrastructure
Submittal WGRS quarterly reports mailed or emailed to
Turbine ID or Group ID An identification code that is unique to each turbine or turbine group in the Wind Project as may be assigned by the Wind Project Operator; a group of turbines of a particular model by the same maker may have a single Group ID
Turbine Model The common name or manufacturer’s name for the turbine that applies to the model of a specific rotor (m2) and size (kW)
Turbine Size (kW) The turbine manufacturer’s nameplate rating (in kW) for the power that this turbine can generate at a given wind speed
VerificationA declaration that is executed under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of California, and that is executed by an authorized employee of the company responsible for submitting the report, stating that the matters contained in the report are, to the best of the person's knowledge and belief and based on due diligence, and are true, accurate, complete, and in compliance with these regulations
Wind Power Purchaser Any electricity utility or other entity which purchases electricity from a California Wind Project (as defined in this section). This does not include counterparties that only purchased energy without RECs (sometimes called null power), or who purchased RECs but not energy
Wind project One or more turbine generators installed in California with a combined
Wind Project Location The physical location of the wind project by street address (or PO Box), city, county, state, and zip code.  To identify the Wind Resource Area, the Excel form has a drop-down menu including Altamont, East San Diego County, Pacheco, San Gorgonio, Solano, Tehachapi, Outside of Existing, and Other. For uncertainties and ambiguities, please explain on line 13
Wind Project Name The current name of the project as used in this report or other reports such as generation data reports to EIA on form EIA-923
Wind Project Net Generation (kWh) The value calculated on the spreadsheet of gross generation minus station load.  Do not enter this amount on the reporting form.  If the monthly station service load exceeded the monthly gross electrical generation, then the form should show negative net generation (in red font with parentheses).  Please note that net generation is not defined as electric energy sold to the grid (net of direct use), but as gross minus station use. This is consistent with the Energy Information Agency definition of Net Generation for reporting on form EIA-923
Wind Project Operators By regulation, the Wind Project Operator is any developer or operator who directly receives payments for electricity from the wind power purchaser; in practice, the Wind Project Operator is the company that provides WGRS quarterly reports to the Energy Commission
Wind Project Owner The full legal name of the principle owner or majority interest owner in the Wind Project
Wind Speed a number (in meters per second) used by the manufacturer to set the published nameplate rating
WGRS Wind Generation Reporting System
WREGIS Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System, an independent, renewable energy tracking system. One WREGIS Certificate (commonly called REC for Renewable Energy Certificate) is issued for each MWh of renewable energy generated by registered generation facilities
WREGIS ID Unique alpha-numeric generator identification code(s) assigned by WREGIS that begin with “W” (for wind projects) followed by three or four digits; combined wind projects may have more than one WREGIS ID

WGRS Glossary [Last updated: 05-21-2014]