Notification: A scheduled maintenance will be carried out on Saturday and Sunday November 21 & 22, 2015. Possible service interruptions may occur during this period. You are advised not to use the system during this period. |
Wind Generation Online Reporting
The Wind Generation Reporting System (WGRS) accepts generation data from wind plants operating in California. Reporting is required for wind projects rated 1 MW and larger in nameplate capacity. WGRS data is reported by wind plant operators. The online reporting form includes:
- Verification of reporting party
- Plant identification
- Plant technology list
- Energy production from plants rated at least 1 MW in capacity
As of January 1, 2022, plants rated at 1 MW, but less than 10 MW must report annually, but they may report interim data. Plants 10 MW and larger continue to report monthly data each quarter. Parties purchasing wind energy are no longer required to report.
Reporting in the online WGRS meets the requirements of 20 CCR 1304, Quarterly Fuels and Energy Reports (QFER) for power plants in California. Out-of-state wind plants file offline under 20 CCR 1304.
Reporting parties are encouraged to submit data through the online web portal in lieu of completing spreadsheets and PDF files. Operators may contact CEC staff to request online access:
Plants rated 10 MW and larger must report data quarterly on the 15th day of the following months:
Quarter |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
Data period |
Jan - Mar |
Apr - Jun |
Jul - Sep |
Oct - Dec |
Due date |
May. 15th |
Aug. 15th |
Nov. 15th |
Feb. 15th |
Plants rated at 1 MW to less than 10 MW must report annually by February 15th for the preceding year, but they may report part-year data during the year.
If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, reports are due on the next business day.
The WGRS is designed to collect non-confidential data. However, users may apply
for confidential status for certain data. That status is granted after a formal
application process and determination by the CEC Executive Director. Information on
applying for that status and docketing is given here:
Data reports must be filed by the due date, regardless of whether confidential status is requested. To apply for confidential status for a report, complete the QFER forms offline and form CEC-13 offline. Then submit them to the docket by the due date.